I was trying to explain this to the guy next to me at the wifi wine bar yesterday in St. Paul. He didn't believe me.
No really I say. People in Des Moines are not just musicians, they're in 2-3 bands. They're not just artists, they have studios. They're not just writers, they earn a living.
The guy wasn't buying it. Gave me a huge crumpled face look as though I was crazy.
Seriously, I further explain. And all the grocery stores have full liquor sections inside. It's very cultured and civilized.
And then there's the Iowa caucuses system.
I don't think he knew what those were. That's OK, I didn't either before I went to one.
Why is it that where ever you live you believe it's superior to other places? And why do I always want to be somewhere else even when I like where I am? I'm thinking about my frequent flier miles even as I happily return home to get all my ears full of simultaneous updates in stereo from Amanda and Aidan.
dress up day at school
who wore what
the best dress ups
lets go to the vintage store
new piano teacher
finger exercises
play date
what did I buy them
the basketball game
the youth group meeting
can we go to the movie
the Indian buffet
It's great to be home! And it's fantastic to open up your life.
photo: Cafe di Scala, This is where the St. John's call committee suggested for me and Bob when we came down for his final interview. The night we went there was a woman crooning torchy songs over the piano. Have you ever met a church who would send their prospective new pastor to a place like this? Only in Des Moines. My little Paris. (Ed and Mari, If you're out there, thanks again for this.)
Take care everyone!
With love, T