Thursday, April 23, 2009

#1 Lady's Hiking Agency

Hello, is anybody out there?

You may or may not have noticed that I was gone. I tricked my kids and told them I was gambling in Vegas. The truth is much more interesting and my sore muscles are here to prove it. I hiked canyons with two NYPD Lady Detectives who really know how to put up with a softy gringo gal. I got vertigo. They didn't. The mountain did not actually cave in from under me and yet it was awesome. What ever you do, don't look over the cliff edges and hang onto the chains. Could someone please tell those Japanese tourists to get away from the edge? I'm getting dizzy.

Ok, I didn't really tell the children that I was gambling. They were just hoping that I was. Instead we hit the trails. I'll post some pictures later.

Red Rock Canyon, Nevada
Zion Canyon, Utah
Valley of Fire, Nevada
Batista's Hole in the Wall, Las Vegas

Of course, as always, I really really missed my three rascals and now it's off to total taxi mom duties.

Thanks for coming over to the Charmer Blog!

With love, T


  1. Welcome back, I missed you and the SCW! Looking forward to the pics...

  2. Welcome Back. Missed you. What an adventure you had. Can't wait for the pictures.

  3. Ahhhh..... that brings back memories of our honeymoon. Grabbing on to the chains and trying not to look down is one of our fondest memories of Zion! Sounds wonderful.


  4. So nice to be missed! Thanks for the comments everyone. Martha, I totally forgot that you and Lonn did the southwest in an RV. We talked about how fun that looked. Cheers.
