Match the letters with a number. Multiple matches may occur.
a. scrambled eggs
b. popcorn
c. boiled pasta with butter
d. fresh smelling spaghetti and meatballs leftover from ten days ago
e. girl scout cookies (one entire box of carmel delights)
f. canned garbanzo beans and frozen broccoli, sauteed in olive oil, onions, and garlic
1. the father
2. the mother
3. the sister
4. the brother
5. none of the above due to parental disagreement: odor vs. time
Average suburban family has just returned from normal spring break. Father, mother, sister, and brother are serenely smiling at you now. Mother tilts her head in satisfaction. You may calmly return the smile and offer a polite "hello." Wait a minute, stop this narrative -- where's the dog? Where's the average suburban family dog? You may now holler in panic, "Where's the DOG GONE DOG!" Calm down. There are zero dogs and two cats. (There's always got to be a rebel in the 'burbs.)
Average suburban family is indeed serenely smiling because they are over budget and under no circumstance going out again tonight. Over tired and under the weather. (Actually, just the father is that, but mostly Ok.) They've decided to eat only what they can find in their ho-hum middle class cupboards, fridge, and freezer. How can a middle class kitchen be so full of food and yet nothing to eat?
O, but there is. A feast is found in these cupboards, fridge, and freezer. And you, dear Charmer Friend, must match the above numbers with the above letters to guess who ate what. Multiple matches may occur. On such a Saturday night, why would you possibly want to do anything otherwise more meaningful than to play this extraordinary food game?
Thanks so much for coming over to the Charmer Blog. Answers tomorrow.
With love, T xoxoxoxo
P.S. Average suburban family needs a normal, ho-hum garden.
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