Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer of My Content

I am reading John Steinbeck's "Winter of Our Discontent," the first time in ages that I've indulged in fiction. It's glorious. There are so many good one liners that I really ought to be underlining along the way. Here are a few that come to mind:

No one wants advise, only corroboration.

I don't believe in ghosts but I've seen them.

. . .something about how you can't be insulted if you're secure and content

. . .another one about how to "incline" and the power of inclining others

. . .the sec
ret of psychotherapy

. . .morality deconstructed

. . .Good Friday Services as consenting to public execution

OK, I promise to go back with my yellow highlighter and get them straight up. There's a bunch of 'em and they're really good.

In the parking ramps of hospitals are a lot of things. You may remember that last year I kept bumping into my Turkish surgeon (Dr. Sanan, photo). Of course I remembered him very well and yet he just walked by me, off to another neck slicing or something else routine I'm sure. Once Bob came across him in the lobby and almost asked if he would please wait because I was coming; thinking that if we chatted it would be the end of my obsession. Time dulls most obsessions. Reality spoils more obsessions. (Hey, I got some up on Steinbeck.)

Today I was thinking how cool it is to enter a hospital and report to the nuclear medicine department. Doesn't that sound impressive? That's where the thyroid testing is done and it's time for my annual body scan. Fortunately, everything is in my favor.

Yet back in the parking ramp there are rows and rows of spots that say "reserved for cancer patients." Yesterday empty; today all full of ordinary sedans, mini vans, and SUVs dented and all. Tuesday must be chemo day. I said a prayer for the ordinary chemo patients. (I'm not a chemo patient, just to be clear. I'm being monitored for the easy cancer, slow moving thyroid.) Later I learned that another dear friend from seminary has been diagnosed with breast cancer. So I said a prayer for Kathryn O-O too.

Anywho, Amanda has a visiting friend from St. Paul here this week. A lovely young girl of whom I am doing my very utmost to not be jealous because she finished sixth grade in Spanish and now goes onto Jr. High Spanish Immersion program in the amazing public school district of St. Paul. Algebra in Spanish. Western Civ in Spanish. Physical Ed in Spanish. Art in Spanish. OK, alright I'll stop. The girls don't speak a lick of Español between eachother. It's so ho hum. They are way too involved in the Jonas Brothers and web searching multi-colored "skinny jeans." Evidently, slightly flaired pants are now out of style. FYI.

Bob is teaching a Stephens Ministry class at church. Aidan is demolishing a city via his new alter ego, the Hulk. I think it's time for home happy hour and maybe more good quotes from John Steinbeck, who won his nobel prize the year I was born.

Thanks SO MUCH for coming over!!

With love, T