Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Valley of Fire

Imagine if you will, a bluer sky and redder rocks, and you will then be envisioning the Valley of Fire. It was our detour upon return from Zion to Vegas. A detour to Mars. After this, we did not get out of the vehicle because it was just too dog gone hot. Packin' heat for sure.

The two lady detectives and me. Can you pick out the oddball who could not shoot a gun or open a refreshment with handcuffs even if there is no bottle opener?

I don't know if this means anything, but I just wanted to convey an unusual series of events that includes this picture.

Monday -- Hike Angel's Landing. I get vertigo.

Tuesday -- Return to Vegas via Valley of Fire.

Friday -- Des Moines. Lightning strikes front yard tree. Orange fireball. Loud like a bomb.

Saturday -- Mama taxi driver gets dizzy on the freeway. Probably shouldn't be driving, but we won't go into that.

Sunday -- Go to a spirituality class and pick this Bible verse out of the hat: For love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame. Song of Solomon 8:6

Monday -- Mama taxi driver still dizzy. Drat, thinking on calling a doc. Drive slowly and hold head. Hear a report on how to treat vertigo on the radio. Treat my own vertigo with the Epley Maneauver, a 90 second head turning exersize. It works. For what it's worth, I think my ear rocks moved during the lightning strike, not the cliffside hike.
Tuesday: Still cured.

I don't know what that all means but you will be relieved to know that I am now back to ethical mama taxi driving.

Thanks so much for coming over!

Cheers, T

Friday, April 24, 2009

Washing in Virgin Waters

Thanks to the Mormon's, most of the natural wonders at Zion National Park are named for religious themes. Virgin River. Angel's Landing. The Three Patriarchs. Temple of Sinawa. Cathedral Mountain. Great White Throne. And such.

The most omnipresent is the Virgin River because it runs all the way through. You see it on top of mountains as well as in the valley. You see it even in the car drive back to Vegas. Virgin River. Virgin River. Virgin River. You sit by it and rest your feet in its icy waters. But you will not chat with your travel companions because you cannot. The Virgin River is too loud. Transfixed by the Virgin River, your mind, body, and soul go somewhere else for about a half an hour.

Personal brain cleanse courtesy of the Virgin River rapids.

The cool thing about the Virgin River is that it evolved from a prehistoric stream, according to the visitor center film. Have you ever heard of something prehistoric that transformed into something virgin? Indeed, that is religious.

I hope you think this picture is awesome. As awesome as it is, sadly it doesn't even come close to the vivid color and depth of the real thing. This photo is taken from the point in which I backed out of the Angel's Landing hike. Keeping with the religious themes, I think they should call it the You-Might-Go-to-Hell hike. Call me vertigo lady. I thought it was scary beautiful. If I got my facts and figures right those mountain sides are about a mile high, from Virgin River up.

Laters. Thanks for coming over.

With love, T

Thursday, April 23, 2009

#1 Lady's Hiking Agency

Hello, is anybody out there?

You may or may not have noticed that I was gone. I tricked my kids and told them I was gambling in Vegas. The truth is much more interesting and my sore muscles are here to prove it. I hiked canyons with two NYPD Lady Detectives who really know how to put up with a softy gringo gal. I got vertigo. They didn't. The mountain did not actually cave in from under me and yet it was awesome. What ever you do, don't look over the cliff edges and hang onto the chains. Could someone please tell those Japanese tourists to get away from the edge? I'm getting dizzy.

Ok, I didn't really tell the children that I was gambling. They were just hoping that I was. Instead we hit the trails. I'll post some pictures later.

Red Rock Canyon, Nevada
Zion Canyon, Utah
Valley of Fire, Nevada
Batista's Hole in the Wall, Las Vegas

Of course, as always, I really really missed my three rascals and now it's off to total taxi mom duties.

Thanks for coming over to the Charmer Blog!

With love, T