Sunday, December 4, 2011

Liver Coincidence

synchronicity (ˌsɪnkrəˈnɪsɪtɪ)
— n
an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more
similar or identical events  that are causally unrelated

Do you believe in synchronicity? It's basically a fancy word for spiritual coincidence. Tonight I was at a nice little church-related Christmas party. Ok, I laughed so hard my throat hurt, so don't think this a quaint church event. My church is a lot of things, but quaint isn't one of them. I like quaint, don't get me wrong, it's just not us. That's a digression.

Anyway, I met someone who a.) spent a career researching transplant science, b.) engaged in initial conversations about the ethics of transplant, and c.) witnessed the first liver transplant ever.

I thought that was pretty amazing since I am a.) fascinated with organ transplant, b.) writing a book about liver failure and b.) planning to explore liver transplant in my writing.

If the person I am referring to happens to read this dispatch, no pressure, but I think this is really cool and I thank you.

With love, T