Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Doctor is In

Mom, you can't say that. It's way too sarcastic.
That's what Amanda said to me after I described how I planned to approach an issue. Bob agreed.
What people may not know about me is that at heart I drip with sarcasm. (My mom probably knows that.) I let it go for many years until somehow, one day, I just decided it wasn't a good thing. And I quit. But it comes out sometimes when I least expect it.
Anyway, both Bob and I were amazed at Amanda's capacity to diagnose sarcasm so immediately. What can I say, our daughter has a high social IQ. She's brilliant. Amazing. Wonderful. Spectacular. All of the above.
So this picture is just over a year old but Amanda has grown about 10 years since then. Sigh. Today she came with me as I met with two other Amanda's who are students at Grand View College. The two other Amanda's and a Kayla had assembled Lutheran World Relief sewing kits, school kits, and layettes as part of their required service learning project for their religion class. (Thank you very much Dr. Jones!) So once again it was my priviledge to thank them and to let them know how important their contribution is. I mean, I get paid to do this! Amanda, Amanda, and Kayla are way bigger than sarcasm.
Me and my Amanda are now plotting for when I can see High School Musical III with my own eyes. We will bribe Aidan with popcorn. Pastor Dad is off the hook. And of course we are planning for November 21 at 12:01 a.m. (actually November 22) for when the movie "Twilight" opens in theaters. Lord give me strength to stay up that late with a van load of tweens.
Goodnight, friends. Thanks for coming over.
With love, T

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nationwide Homecoming

I'm home after a 5 day trip.

Mom, you're always so nice immediately upon return. According to Amanda.

I thought I was nice all the time but whatever.

So anyway the discussion around the house these days regards whether a pastor's daughter really should be reading about vampires. (Amanda's latest craze is the Twilight series.)

Pastor Dad to Amanda: You're in confirmation and yet you read about vampires. It isn't right.

Aidan to Pastor Dad: I'm in Sunday school and I watch Sponge Bob.

Good point. Anyway, we are now planning our family vacation to visit the town in which the blood thirsty teenagers of Twilight live in eternity. It will be a glorious cross country road trip. Nationwide tourism.

Speaking of Nationwide and potential brainwashing that truly *is* acceptable. . .

So today upon my homecoming Aidan very kindly offered a package of licorice to me, knowing how much I like licorice. I like red strawberry licorice. This licorice is yellow, green, and orange. I ask him where he got it.

Nationwide. Aidan responds casually, as if Nationwide is his little brother with whom he shares a bunk bed.

Bob, Amanda, and I look at eachother knowingly. Nationwide and Aidan. They just go together. "Nationwide is on your side."

You see, Aidan's school is located downtown in an office building and so every year, it seems, the tradition is to field-trip through the skyway to the Nationwide Insurance Company -- if you didn't already know, Des Moines is the insurance capital of the world. Nationwide then proceeds to give out big bags of candy and explain to the elementary students how they cover tree damage and other storm catastrophes. According to Aidan, anyway.

So I know my kids are in good hands when I am away. My daughter is in love with vampires. My son can list the benefits of Nationwide Insurance. My husband preaches on the Lutheran Reformation, a belief that we cannot earn our way to heaven and yet our job is to love our neighbor. (grace + vocation = Lutheran)

Me, I'm just glad to be home and yet my head is all full of dreams and ideas. Presently, I am drinking wine from Wisconsin and it is spectacular. I'm so glad you came over to the Charmer blog. Peace and joy to you.

With love, T

Photos: Des Moines skyline, Des Moines skyline as projected off side of public library

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fishing for It All

Instead of doing Saturday morning chores, wouldn't it be better if I posted pictures from our fishing trip last weekend? Adventure comes with thanks to fabulous friends, Ed and Mary, who are such interesting people about whom I could say so much.

Aside from Middle Eastern food, well actually most any kind of food, I will mention another of our many common interests -- the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. You see Mary is a painter and when I toured her studio I was delighted to see evidence of Frida. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because if anyone has any kind of feeling at all, Frida is a likely icon.

It seems that most people I chat with here in Des Moines are artists or musicians. Serious ones with studios and bands, multiple bands. Writers too. Would like to meet more of them. All around just a lot of really fascinating folks here.

For example there's a guy at church who plays in a renouned blues band and I am dropping hints to Bob like crazy on what a nice surprise birthday outting that would be.

While at LWR HQ in Baltimore a couple days ago a colleague mentioned that she was recently in Des Moines for a wedding. Don't tell me, I already know. I said. It was an artist or musician. Indeed, it was. The groom is the manager for the band, the Nadas, who I hear all the time on the radio. They're big.

After a day at the lake, Ed and Mary took us to a pizza place where Bob and I ate one of our best pies ever. Half meat lovers, half margarita. Perfect.

Got me to thinking how truly amazing it would be to be, say, the woman who wrote the Harry Potter series. Or the woman who wrote the Twilight series. I mean, those ladies have 100 tickets to paradise and all they have to do is write. All day. Everyday. Evidently, it's possible.

OK, I promise now I will get back to household duties and the even greater drudgery of pushing on the kids to do their part. Bribery tool for today: Halloween costumes after chores. Dorothy and Storm Trooper are the going ideas.

Thanks so much for coming over, friends. I wish you all a lovely fall weekend.

With love, T

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Meet Edward

This is what is now framed and on our upstairs hallway wall.

Isn't it amazing?

And amazing that both Amanda and I, 12 and 46, find Edward amazing.

Jonas Brothers are now very passe' around here with many thanks to Edward. They are just too, non-mysterious and non-intense. Plus, they really don't need your blood so what's the point?

Anyway, this poster is one of the birthday gifts from Amanda's school friends. And I have to say that I am impressed all around.

Edward is a character from that book series, Twilight, that she totally read, and I just started. Remember this is the series that starts off with this statement:

When life offers you a dream so far beyond expectations,
it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Not sure I agree with that but it's worth thinking about. Anyway, gotta go. Thanks SO MUCH for coming over.

With love, T