Monday, October 15, 2007

Cecilia and Cecilia

Why am I blogging instead of going to bed, reading, unpacking boxes, washing clothes, decluttering the awesome kitchen island, or . . . you get the picture.

I think it's because I just ate a brownie that was given to Bob for "pastor appreciation month" which has been invented by the hospitality ministry here at St. John's Lutheran Church in Des Moines. Bob said he got here just in time. ;-) I also had some white wine that is supposed to go into a shrimp linguine dish that I'm supposed to make but I keep getting home too late, so the shrimp is not being cooked but the wine is being consumed, tonight with a grilled cheese sandwich. I promise tomorrow night, shrimp linguine for all.

Anyway, it's the chocolate that got me to blogging. It's the topic of the Virtual U for this Thursday and I remembered that I have these adorable pictures of Cecilia and Cecilia, two cocoa farmers from Ghana. My supervisor, Brenda, says that one has been trained as a fire fighter and one has the position of official chaplain for the cocoa cooperative. Which must be something like getting brownies for pastor appreciation month. Another colleague, Kattie, who will be presenting the Virtual U has rigged up some kind of audio thingie of an interview she did with the two Cecilias. It's going to be a great class and you're all welcome to join in the webinar. I'll post the log-in instructions on Thursday.

Anyway, here's to chocolate, and here's the two Cecilias. (Oopsie, the blogger won't let me upload the second Cecilia, I'll try later.)


With love, T

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terri! I love the new blog - the name, the design - and of course the posts! I'm glad you're back! : )
    Love, S
